Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-Political Science England Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science Development Theories and Under Development set-(USA) Political Science International Law Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science International Law Set/(USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set 2 Sample Test,Sample questions

  A welfare state stands for:

1.The social welfare of all

2.The economic welfare of all

3.The political welfare of all D. All the above


  According to the individualists the best judge of the interests of individuals is:

1.The state

2.The individual himself

3.The Parliament

4.None of the above

  In the light of the functions performed by a modern state it can be described as a:

1.Socialist state aims at bringing about peaceful changes

2. Welfare state

3.Totalitarian state

4.None of the above

  The best exposition of the liberal nature of the functions of state was offered by:

1.John Locke

2. Karl Marx

3.T.H. Green

4. None of the above

  The modern individualists are in favour of a:

1.Police state

2.Welfare state

3.Stateless society

4.Totalitarian state

  The theory of Scientific Socialism is largely based on the teachings of:

1.Karl Marx



4.Chou-En Lai

  Which one of following statements is correct?

1.Ina socialist state there is widegulf between the haves and have-nots

2.Socialist state is characterised by waste and injustice

3.In a Socialist state production is carried on for the good of the producing class

4.A socialist state aims at economic equality for all

  Which one of the following state enjoys the distinction of being the first socialist state of the world?

1.Soviet Union

2. U.S.A.



  Which one of the hailed from England?


2.T.H. Green

3.Kant D.


  Who of the following advocated the principle of Survival of the fittest?

1.Adam Smith


3.Herbert Spencer


  Who of the following regarded the state as necessary evil?




4.All the above

 A socialist state lays emphasis on:

1.Political liberty

2. Economic equality

3.Right to private property

4.Independence of judiciary

A socialist state lays emphasis on:

1.Political liberty

2.Economic equality

3.Right to private property

4.Independence of judiciary

A Socialist state stands for:

1.Free economic competition

2.Social control of the means of production and distribution

3. Class-struggle

4.Abolition of state

According to the Liberal thinkers the functions of the state should be:





Idealism was essentially:

1.Democratic ideology

2.Totalitarian ideology

3.An elitist ideology

4. An aristocratic ideology

Laski regarded the government as:

1.Trustees of people

2.A servant of people

3. A master of people

4.None of the above

Socialism is essentially a movement of:

1.The poor people

2.The middle classes

3.The workers


Socialism is opposed to:

1.Social security schemes

2. Equal distribution of wealth

3.Unrestricted competition


The individualists regarded the state as:

1.An evil

2.A necessary evil

3.A positive good

4.An idealist institution

The objective of a Socialist state is to:

1.Establish a just and equitable society

2.Perpetuate existing class distinctions

3.Do away with the institution of the state

4.Establish a stateless and classless society

The Socialism advocated by Robert Owen is known as:

1.Scientific Socialism



4.Utopian Socialism

The welfare theory is based on:

1.Democratic principles

2.Aristocratic principles

3.Anarchist principle

4.Marxist principle

Which of the following statements is the most convincing example of the liberal-democratic concept of welfare state: The state should seek to

1.Eradicate class conflicts by assuming direction and control over economic policies

2.Provide for its citizens a minimum of material well being without destroying private initiative

3.Provide for its citizens a maximum of material well-being so as to ensure reconciliation of partisan objectives

4.Eradicate contradiction between political power and socio-economic justice

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.A socialist state is in favour of nationalisation of lands and mines

2.A socialist state is in a favour of free enterprises

3.A socialist state by nature is anti democratic

4.A socialist state is always in favour of status quo

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1. Socialist state aims at bringing about peaceful changes

2.Socialist state aims at bringing about violent changes

3.Socialist state aims at about constitutional changes

4.A socialist state stands for status quo

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.Socialism is a compromise between Communism and Liberalism

2.Socialism is a half way house between individualism and idealism

3.Socialism is a compromise between Communism and Idealism

4. Socialism is idealism minus its impracticability

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.In a socialist state there is wide gulf between the Have and Have nots

2. Socialist state is characterised by waste and injustice

3.In a socialist state production is carried on for the good of the producing class

4.A socialist state aims at economic equality for all

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

1.By assigning too many functions to the state the socialists greatly strain the state machinery

2.State regulation of means of production and distribution greatly dampens the initiative of the individuals

3.In a socialist state the importance of bureaucracy greatly increases

4.Socialist state perpetuates class distinctions

Which one of the following theories regarding functions of state stands discharged at present?

1.Socialist Theory

2.Welfare Theory


4.None of the above

Which one of the following thinkers put forth the idea of a welfare state?





Who of the following is associated with the statement that the main function of state is to hinder to the hindrances to good life:





Who of the following is regarded as the father of Scientific Socialism?

1.Robert Owen

2. Karl Marx



Who said that Socialism is chameleon like creed?

1.Karl Marx


3. Ramsay Muir

4.T.H. Green

Who said The individual?

1.T.H. Green





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